NAB Markets Research Preference Centre

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You'll need to resolve a few things below before you can continue

First name   -  We need your first name

Last name   -  We need your last name

Email address   -  We need your email address

Country   -  Select a country

Manage subscription   -  Select an option

Manage customer type email   -  Select an option

Are you in scope for MiFID InvestmentResearch?   -  Make a selection

Entity / Company Name   -  We need the entity name

Company   -  Please select a company name

Primary NAB Contact's Email address   -  We need a primary NAB contact email

Citizen acknowledgement   -  You need to acknowledge that you are an Australian citizen

Fill in a few details and let us know your preferences for communications for the NAB Markets Research team.

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A business or company email account is required.

Manage your subscription

Make a selection

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Important note

When you choose to unsubscribe from all NAB Markets Research emails, you'll still receive offers and insights from NAB. To unsubscribe from other offers and insights from NAB, please refer to the Unsubscribe from offers and insights - NAB link or call us on 13 22 65. Unsubscribe changes may take up to five business days to take effect.

Select your customer type

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Important note: If you selected Retail or Wholesale, your request will be verified by your NAB Relationship Manager or Contact

Citizen acknowledgement

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Are you in scope for MiFID InvestmentResearch?

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Relates to UK and EU based asset managers. EU asset managers will need to pay for investment research from NAB, UK asset managers will need to pay for "macro-economic" research

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Please input the email address of your primary point of contact at NAB. This could be your banker, salesperson, adviser or relationship manager

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